John W. Allen & Associates, LPA, LLC Attorneys at Law

24 West Third Street, Suite 200
Mansfield, OH 44902
Phone: (419) 524-7788
Contact: John Allen
At the law firm of John W. Allen & Associates, we focus not only on the legal needs of our individual clients; we minister to their spiritual and emotional needs as well. We work hard to seek justice for our clients from a uniquely aggressive and compassionate perspective not found in many law firms.
Our office has a combined total of 55 years of legal experience. Attorney John W. Allen, former Richland County Prosecutor and Mansfield native, handles personal injury cases, criminal defense, estate planning, probate, guardianship and general civil litigation. Attorney Beth Allen Owens handles domestic relations (adoption, divorce, dissolution, legal separation, custody and child support), personal injury cases and general civil litigation. Attorney Marc V. Hedrick handles personal injury cases, criminal defense, corporate law issues and general civil litigation.
For more information, please contact John W. Allen, Beth Owens, Marc Hedrick visit our website.